BeJam safety rules

[Katherine Marx, Charlie Mosey, Heather Egan, adapted by the Bern Jam Team]

  • Take your time to warm up
  • This is an open jam. You may meet people with different levels of experience on the dance floor. Be alert and sensitive to yourself and others.
  • This place is meant to be safe and fun.
    You have the ultimate responsibility for your own well-being and enjoyment.
  • If you don't want to dance with someone, you don't have to.
  • If you feel unsafe, you can always:
    - Speak up
    - Leave the duet
    - Stop dancing
    - Ask for help
  • In case of injuries, please get somebody from the jam team. There are medical supplies available.
  • Talk about safety and well-being. They are important community issues.
  • Bodywork is great - do it on the edge of the dancespace and not in the middle.
  • Talking and socializing is done best in the Foyer to maintain the focus in the dancespaces on the dancing.

BeJam Liability disclaimer

I have read the safety rules and I am aware that in a free contact improvisation jam injuries happen rarely but there is a remaining risk. I am aware that an aware and caring way of moving is essential for the safety and I’m moving with a high level of self responsibility in the dance spaces. I know, that I am self responsible for my own insurance and also for liability insurance towards others. I discard any liability of the organizing team at the jam.